Mar 24
by Don

There is nothing more insane than the first weekend of March Madness.  Seemingly tens of thousands of people (almost exclusively men) descend upon Vegas for a smorgasbord of basketball, booze and b… umm fine dining?  Well that’s what we do anyways and this year was by far the best.

44, Hollywood and myself head off to Paris for what looks to be a great weekend of sports betting.  We had a few great meals, some crazy parlays, and no luck at the black jack tables.  This only tells half of the story.  So let’s get into it shall we?

The flight in was a good one.  44 was able to get on my flight out so we basically spent the time game planning.  Now every year 44 claims that he has done some “research” and has the answers to what ails us, namely poor betting.  Well this year we go in a total different direction, we want professional help.  Once airborne, 44 breaks out his trusty laptop and proceeds to search for a handicapper that we can believe in.  This may seem strange, but we were looking for a guy who had a good story, one that we could relate to, believe in, basically a smarter version of ourselves.  We found one in Keith Fredrick.

Keith seemed like a good guy who has been having tremendous success and we were hoping to jump on the train ourselves.  This was a critical addition to our normal pre tourney banter of, “who has seen X play”? and “where is school X even located?”  You can see that we needed the help.

44 and I get to Paris and look forward to setting up shop there.  A couple of years back they had turned their theater into a defacto MM put complete with huge big screen TV’s, food, and a mobile sportsbook.  This is critical since the first games are early and we will probably need to roll out of bed to place our first bets.  Standing in line to check in we over heard a couple of guys (not hard actually since they were screaming) lamenting the fact that Paris has sold out this year and has booked a conference this year so there will be no MM seating in the theater.  This poses a slight problem since we were looking to have our early action local, but you roll with the punches.

We get settled in and go grab a quick bite next door at the Mexican restaurant in front of Planet Hollywood.  There 44 spots a sign that says that Planet Hollywood has a huge viewing area for the tourney on the “Mezz”, so after lunch we bounce to check it out.

The “Mezz” is great.  There are 8 huge projection screens set up with a ton of betting stations.  This is mint since we are right next door and can make this happen with no problem.  Now we just wait for Hollywood’s arrival and we are set.

Day one ends with more anticipation than excitement as the only black jack session we have nets me a couple of hundred bucks and spanks 44 for six.  So we head back to home base and regroup for tomorrow will most certainly be epic.

Jun 22
by Don

I have often talked about the “Vegas Effect” as being basically sleep deprived as you party too long and are not able to get good consistent rest.  But this also applies to food and hunger as well.  Here is a great sandwich that can hold you over between those magical Blackjack runs.

The Italian sandwich @ JJ Boulangerie in Paris is just amazing.  It’s a hard French baguette roll with some tasty Italian meats, artichokes, red onion, some provolone, tomatoes and a light pesto spread.  Yummy.

You get a little potato salad with the sandwich which really sets off the meal.  I personally am not a huge artichoke fan, but somehow it all works well together.  These pictures do not do it justice, but believe me @ about $9.50 it’s a bargain!

When we want to make a light meal of it, Lori and I will get this and a chef salad that they have already made and go to town.  Something that is nice with the Caesar’s properties is that if you give them your player’s card they will swipe it and see if you have any “quick rewards”.  So if you have done any playing before hand you will have accumulated some points that translate into dollars.  This means an instant discount and anything that the casino gives you need to take.

So if you are looking for a good bite to eat that won’t kill your bankroll, then head over to Paris and get yourself one of these bad boys.