Getting to the airport is normally key in Atlanta. There are always some sort of random delay that crops up. Phantom accidents on I-85, extremely slow security lines, random aircraft issues. We have seen it all on our trips out to Vegas over the years so we get to the airport with a couple of hours to spare.
Well it turns out that we really didn’t need to get there so early as we were bumped from US Airways to Airtran as our original flight was delayed coming in and of course we would have missed our connector.
The Pros: A new direct flight, crappy pretzels, and more drinks than you know what to do with.
The Cons: We found out that our bags “could” make it to Vegas as Airtran’s baggage system is a manual one. Excellent.
So we are waiting for another couple of hours to take off and Lori noticed something on the Runway. There is a sign that is hanging underneath the Jetway. You can see it more clearly in the second photo, but yeah it’s clear that no one reads those signs until there is a reason to.
Thank goodness there was no reason. We got on our plane with no further observations other than the fact that CNN would not actually proclaim Michael Jackson dead, but only in a coma. More on that to come as well.